Well, here I go. My new book Politically Detained is hitting shelves and I’m getting out there to promote it. One of the things I’m doing is a book signing on Sunday, Aug. 23. It’s my first ever and I’m looking forward to meeting people and talking about what irks them when it comes to federal politics.
There’s a lot of interest in Canadian politics at the moment, and the timing of Politically Detained could not be better (though it wasn’t planned!). The state of our federal affairs has piqued my sense of moral right and, just as important, my sense of what’s patently unfair. As a retired chartered accountant (44 years), I’ve chosen to tilt at several windmills, including two gross inequities in current legislation that bothered me during my years of practice; and what the heck, also offer us a cure to an electoral system that creates the like of today’s parliament. An unusual cast of characters brings an adventurous interest to an often-boring topic. My dearest wish? Just once before I die, I’d love to vote for a leader who is truly the right person for the job.
Join me at Chapters, Strathcona, 10504 – 82 Ave, Edmonton, on Sunday, August 23, from noon to 5 p.m. If you can’t be there, contact me for a copy of Politically Detained: https://www.graham-clews.com/contact.shtml.