I’ve dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s on the latest installment of Eboracum (the fourth book). The writing phase is almost easier than what is to come… my editor’s comments and suggestions. However, if I was an author in ancient Roman times, I would be writing and re-writing everything by hand.
Today, we have the computer. I can move words, sentences and even pages around with a flick of my wrist. Computers are also far easier than typewriters and I’ve used a few of those in my time too. (I wonder what the next installation of the writing mod con will be?) Romans didn’t have books either, they had book rolls: papyrus (paper made from a water plant) rolled on rods. The Romans were fastidious in how they read their book rolls and there were certain manners that had to be followed. One thing has remained the same throughout the ages; authors are always looking for readers.
Roman authors of yore did have philosophy and theorizing book roll launch parties to publicize their accomplishments. Perhaps writers even started with, “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.” (I’m joking of course since that line was borrowed from Mr. Shakespeare, who lived a few hundred years later.) I’ll be looking for your eyes this March 2017. This is when I plan to be done my Eboracum edits and the fourth will be with you. Until then, tell me what you’ve been reading or what kind of novel you’ve been working on recently.
Henry Lucas
December 15, 2016 - 2:20 am ·Hi Graham
So nice to read about your success as an author. Trixie googled you and we saw your picture. You’ve changed since the years you and I studied together to get our CA designation but we did recognize some features. If you’re ever out our way in Abbotsford BC, we would love to see you.
Henry and Trixie