Politically Detained is a book about making changes – making changes in and to Ottawa. A small band of seniors is the ones taking names and kicking politician butt in my fictional story. “Grey Power” is very real and very powerful and as a senior myself, I know we can use our lifetime of knowledge for good.
Those of us who are seniors today grew up in a different world than our children and grandchildren. Maybe this is what happens with the aging process but we seniors feel uncomfortable about the world we’re leaving them in. The younger generations are facing global conflicts, continuous economic upheaval and no job security. I feel they’re unprepared for what’s happening.
Maybe it’s because seniors like to worry but I think we’re much more concerned with what’s going on in Canada and around the planet. The senior audience is more attentive to the misdemeanours of life and we stop to listen instead of rushing to the computer to tweet out the latest news. Because of this, Grey Power features prominently in Politically Detained. Never count us out.
I’m giving away five autographed copies of Politically Detained via GoodReads. Offer ends on election day. (Oct. 19, 2015.) You can also add me as a friend or follow me on GoodReads.