Here’s the newest review of The Village, the first book in the Eboracum trilogy. Thanks!
The author of The Village says this book isn’t a romance. But I beg to differ: I fell in love with the two main characters, Cethen and Gaius. One’s a Celt. One’s a Roman. And they’re at war with each other.
It’s 71 AD in what is now the north of Great Britain. Cethen the Celt is living (somewhat) peacefully with his wife and children when Gaius the Roman shows up. The two are pitted against each other from that moment on. So were my hopes and fears: I wanted the best for both of them but it’s not meant to be. One side will eventually win, just like in life.
Graham Clews constructed a living world out of the fibres of history. Through his words, I could see the settlements and the forts and the battlefields. He had my emotions swinging back and forth with every war cry, damp forest prowl and ahem, passionate sword thrusting of different kinds.
This book isn’t just filled with action and bloody and muddy battles: it’s about family, struggles and making tough choices. With a dash of dark humour to brighten the gloomy British weather, The Village is a great read anytime. I’m looking forward to being reunited with Cethen and Gaius in its sequel, The Fortress.